το Μόνιτορ and the endless Manifestations of Meanness
Horrified he looked straight onto the monitor, but the monitor that used to be there had dismissed itself. It took him five hours to go through all the information via other blogs and then it just struck him – he was 2222 late. Having missed out on the fun he was furious but he knew how to make up for lost time. Trembling he picked up his fingers and wrote: these days have manifested a meaningless meanness that subordinates our human rights as members of this goddam virtual community. Manifestations of apparent lowly, mean bloggers have manifestly shown manifestive disrespect to all of us by meanly manifesting a lack of originality. The manifestness of this lack was evident to all who decided in a split second to manifest an equally ignoble manifesto of meanness. According to this, manifestational (new clinical term) mean people lacking originality should be punished mani-incessantly by reading their posts 1000 times per minute. Following that, they are allowed to vomit in sincere understanding of their prior manifestations of meanness while repentant bloggers scrape the remains off their face. Then he realised that all along he was aiming at quite the opposite and so he made some minor changes: these days have not manifested a meaningful kindness that elevates our human rights as members of this devil-damned real community. Covertly, generous and kind bloggers have manifestly shown manifestive respect to all of us by kindly manifesting a lack of originality etc, etc, etc.